Monday, August 15, 2011

Ethiopia: Starve the Beast, Feed the People!

By Alemayehu G. Mariam

Americans fed up with uncontrolled deficit government spending are often heard invoking a familiar battle cry: “Starve the Beast!” In other words, no more taxpayer dollars for wasteful government spending.
I say we stand up to the to Western donors and loaners who continue to support the criminal regime of Meles Zenawi in Ethiopia and declare: “Starve the Beast, Feed the People!” No more aid to a regime that clings to power by digging its fingers into the ribs of starving children. No more aid to torturers and human rights violators. No aid to election thieves. No aid to those who roll out a feast to feed their supporters and watch their opponents starve to death. Let’s shout in a collective voice to the West -- America, England, Germany, the European Union, the IMF, World Bank and the rest of them--: “Starve the bloated beast feeding on the Ethiopian body politics, and help feed the starving people.”

Least Developed Countries showed that Ethiopia is a top exporter of illicit capital at USD$8.4 billion.

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