Sunday, May 9, 2010

Swastikas sprayed on Ethiopian's gravestone in Beersheba

Did the Jewish peoples already forgot their history?
Woman's family says hate slogans, including 'Death to niggers,' were written in Russian; vandals not caught

Ilana Curiel Published: 05.09.10, 22:20 / Israel News

Unknown vandals spray-painted swastikas and hate slogans, including "Death to niggers," on the gravestone of a woman of Ethiopian descent in Beersheba.

On Sunday the woman's family filed a police complaint and said the hate slogans on the headstone were written in Russian. Police are focusing the investigation on immigrants from countries that belonged to the former USSR.

It remains unclear when the grave was defaced, but police estimate it occurred sometime over the past few weeks.
Last week, members of the Ethiopian community protested against racial discrimination in the city's Otzar Chaim kindergarten.
The demonstrators claimed the kindergarten has two separate classrooms – one for children of Ethiopian descent, and another for the others.