Sunday, February 7, 2010

US/UK Ethiopian policy - Full of words but void of deeds.

By Girma Kassa

UDJ Secretary General Andualem Aragie accused western governments for failing to stand by their rhetoric and support Human and Democracy in Ethiopia. “They are following the old way of doing business. They are partners in development with the Ethiopian government but I don’t think they are partners in freedom and democracy” said Mr. Adualem as reported by Bloomberg News’ Jason McClure.

As reported by Bloomberg news, Gavin cook a spokesman for the British Embassy said that the UK government has a frank and full dialog with the government of Ethiopia on human rights and democracy including Birtukan.

The former US Ambassador Donald Yamamotto as well as his boss Johnny Carson the assistance secretary of State for African affairs had on multiple occasion expressed similar views that Birtukan Mideksa must be freed and conditions for a free and democratic elections must be met.

Particularly with the new Obama administration Ethiopian Americans and Ethiopians all over the world had a big expectation that the US would re-assess its East African policy and refrained from coddling with dictators that are corrupt, and repressive.

Unfortunately to the dismay of many of us who supported the Obama campaign with our money and our time, the current US administration has proven itself to be no better than the previous Bush Administration.

US officials are still continuing talking the talk, and promising us that they are for democracy and human right. In a senate hearing to confirm the new US Ambassador in Ethiopia, the Ambassador nominee promised that he will try to convince the EPRDF officials not to hold people simply because they hold opposing political views. "limitations on political expression and economic activities as well as shortcomings in respect to basic human rights, run counter to American principles and risk becoming the seeds of future instability” he said.

It’s been more than three hundred eight days the popular woman Ethiopian opposition leader has been incarcerated in the notorious Kaliti Prison at the outskirt of Addis Ababa. From December 2008 to June 2009 Ms Mideksa was brutally placed in solitary confinement something even serial killers and rapists had not faced. Except for a 30 minutes visit by her 75 years old mother, access was denied to her lawyer, spiritual fathers, friends and relatives. The US and UK know all these very well. However they chose only to “talk”.

It was at the Imperial Hotel. UIS and UK diplomats were present. Testimonies of more than 25 UDJ supporters and members that came from all regions were presented. Genet Mersha from Yabelo Sidamo southern Ethiopia was fired from her 25 years government job because she allowed the UDJ to have one her house as its regional office. Daniel Welde Gabrail from Mettu Illibabour western Ethiopia, was arrested and beaten because he refused to stop supporting the UDJ. EPRDF security officers even jailed Mr. Woldegrabriel’s 12 years old son to intimidate his father. When atrocities such as these are committed by the Zenawi regime, the SU and the UK, knowing full well of what has been going on chose only to talk.

The latest news is the confirmation hearing of the new US Ambassador. From Ambassador Brazilia, to Charge D’Affairs Huddleston; from Huddleston to Ambassador Yamamato, from Yamamato to Charge d’Affairs John Yates. All along, be it democratic or republican administration, the US department policy has been consistent : “Talk about democracy and Human right but support tyranny and corruption”.

Therefore in spite of the good speech we have heard at the Senate hearing, one must be naïve and expect changes with the new US Ambassador Donald Booths. The US will continue codlling with dictators like the Zenawi regime. They will not do anything to get Ms Mideksa released. They will not do anything to make sure that the upcoming 2010 election is relatively free and fair. Should there be irregularities in the election, they will stand by their old friends. It may be hard to swallow but that is the fact; that is the track record.

What is the solution ? The Solution is for Ethiopian and Ethiopian Americans to believe in themselves. The solution is to have the “I can do attitude” and show those