Sunday, July 12, 2009

Readers Emails

I read an article, There is no EPRDF in reality; there is only a Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). if that is true? why then Tigrian become an independent country? why not? what is the Plan for Meles government?

Tibebu, Portland Oregon

Someone asked this questions, if the author asked me about this issue, the answer is I have no idea, I don't know why? but based on the infos I have they are not going to do that because the tigerians peoples believe that they are Ethiopians, if anyone can answer I will be more than happy to post it on this web page.. you can write me directly at, I will post it for you


You can argue with me all day long but this is it, actually EPRDF is trying their best to be the most progressive party we ever had, yes they were but their nature take them up where they are, they cannot go one inch further than that, if they do, it is kind of suicidal for them, they cannot offer Ethiopians full Pledge democracy because that is not their nature now they stuck between real democracy and tyranny, or making history by giving Ethiopians to decide their destiny or forced to leave their office one way or the other? I hope they will chose the first one to give a chance to Ethiopians to elect their leader, that way history will remember them kindly otherwise their effort to block the Ethiopians democratic forces will take them few years then destruction will follow because the world is watching their next move.
Paris France