Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Opinion: The former Ethiopian Prime Minister is dead, get over it by YohannesY

Yes, the former Ethiopian Prime Minister is dead and he is supposed to be history by now, but the EPRDF government and also the opposition treated him as if he is still alive and well.

Some diaspora politician posted weird dead man pictures in so many different funny ways. I am not sure why, but the man is dead and he is history. If someone killed one person using a gun, the man will die after the first shot. What is the use of shooting the dead man’s body with one million bullets after he is already dead; that does not make sense. The fact is: these pictures are not helping to change people’s opinion about the dead Prime Minister.

Yet, the EPRDF government put the dead Prime Minister’s photos in every part of the city. However, this did not change the Ethiopian people’s opinions either. But they tried to build cult but the fact is, he will be remembered by his conduct and judge by his own character while he was alive. No one can increase or decrease his opinion about the Prime Minister even if you can post one hundred million posters in Addis Ababa’s streets or million funny pictures online.

Culturally, it is not Ethiopian!

When people die, even your own enemies in Ethiopia, people will come together and comfort the family of the dead. I remember two families having such hard times with each other for a decade just for a piece of land. Suddenly, one of the family’s head passed away. I remember how the other family reacted; how they comforted the others family during their time of sadness and loss. They almost spent the entire mourning season with the family. Their enmity has disappeared and they forgot their past history. They made peace among themselves.

The EPRDF government should use this chance to make peace with the Ethiopian people. They should extend their hands and reach out the Ethiopian diaspora to make peace instead of antagonizing everyone.

The dead Prime Minister is history and he had made a lot of mistakes; also he might have some strength but the EPRDF government needs to correct his mistakes, if you kept telling us that the PM was perfect and he was saint and we need to follow his policies then the result will be disastrous.

The Bible said Luke 5: 36_37 “He told them this parable: "No one tears a patch from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. [37] And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined” basically we need to change with new out look and change the policies of the old.

What has to be done?

The opposition must know as they said, “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind”. So we need to find a way to narrow the gap. As Nelson Mandela said, “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy then he becomes your partner.”

For the Ethiopian government you need to change and one of the greatest artists Jim Hendrix once said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace”. So the answer is simple: the EPRDF government leader cannot or will not win. actually no one will win unless the EPRDF government become responsible enough and extend the olive branch. you must get over your pride and start taking issues seriously.

Can you learn from your PM? with all TPLF pride and arrogance he is dead and get over it!