There is no Eritrean army, it is an Egyptian army, there is no Eritrean leader, he is an Egyptian Spy. How Egypt successfully sabotaged and aborted the Eritrean revolution and became its colonizer .
Gidoen Bahtemariam
Dec 1, 2010
For the past forty years the Eritrean people labored hard to create a nation and a leader of their own, instead what they ended up is with an Egyptian spy at the helm of power, and with an Egyptian army ready to serve the interest of Egypt. For many political observers, and Ethiopians, this development is not surprising. Egypt has been working hard for many years to try to destabilize Ethiopia, and tear up Ethiopia into pieces. Even though it did not succeed in accomplishing this dream, Egypt was successful in sabotaging the Eritrean revolution, and its people's aspiration of independent nation. Now, the biggest question and puzzle is how did the Eritrean people struggle for forty years to become Egyptian servants, and not be able to really appreciate and enjoy their freedom and independent? This article will try to answer these difficult questions.
From my understanding, and historical records, the Eritrean people struggled to create a just, prosperous, democratic, and independent nation. This dream never materialized. The main reason, and the main assassin of this dream is the Egyptian intelligent services. Right at the inception of EPLF, the Egyptian intelligent services was closely working with EPLF leaders molding the leadership that will more likely be a puppet to its interest. After many close psychological evaluation of the EPLF leadership, Egyptian intelligent services, found Isays character, was fit for their purpose. The Egyptian intelligence services, made this decision when EPLF was at its infant stages. That been the case, Egyptian intelligence services became the shadow of Isyas. They cleverly manipulated, and shaped his decision making. They single handed helped him eliminate true Eritrean nationals. After Egyptian intelligent services, secured, Isyas position in EPLF, from that point they were able to influence, EPLF's cultural movement as well. Let me elaborate further on this.
EPLF focus was not only indepdence, but also the creation of the culture of hate.
Egyptian intelligent services, and the leaders of Egypt targeted the Eritrean culture, because they figured, if Eritrean continued to believe in the brotherly and sisterly relationship with the Ethiopians, then Eritrean Independence was not going to help achieve Egyptian goal. Therefore, it was very crucial for Egypt to control EPLF propaganda department through Isyas. It was for this reason that in the past forty years EPLF propaganda was not only targeting Independence, but also in creating permanent hate between the Eritrean and the Ethiopian people. In its propaganda, EPLF created fictional history based on Egyptian Intelligence creation. According to EPLF propaganda, as of now the root of Eritrean people has not been discovered. But EPLF has clearly articulated, that the Eritrean people do not have any relationship with Ethiopian people. This is the genius design of the Egyptian intelligence services.
Egyptian spy master controls Asmera, Eritrean jubilant about freedom, and peace?
Eritreans gained their Independence in 1991. The unsuspecting public were elated by the new freedom, peace, and potential for prosperity. The Eritrean people finally proclaimed that they have defeated their enemy? Really? Eritrean parents were happy that they did not have to send their children to war anymore, since Eritrea was independent. This joy and happiness only lasted for seven years. In 1998, the Egyptian intelligent services, cleverly manipulated Isyas to invade Ethiopia, and tear it up into pieces. Isyas rounded up Eritrean youth to fight for his master Egypt, and invaded parts of Ethiopia.
I ask readers, will a true Eritrean leader have taken that action? The answer is no. A true Eritrean leader would have told the Egyptians that his people were tired of war, and that this was a time for knowledge, prosperity, and peace. Isays been a true, and a loyal servant, he had to listen to his Shadow, the Egyptians.
1998, Eritrean revolution disolved, and it became naked to the eyes that Isyas is a spy for Egypt not a leader for Eritrea.
This war started after the Eritrean people felt that they had achieved their goal. It started when the Eritrean people were trying to enjoy the fruit of a brotherly relationship with Ethiopia, and a peaceful existence in their nation. A war that was started to cut Ethiopia into pieces, ended up cutting Erirea's social fabric, freedom, peace, and prosperity. By 2001 a group that became known as the G-15 finally realized the spy master that was planted in the Eritrean revolution. But, it was too late, the damage was done. Isays was always protected by his shadow the Egyptian intelligent services, nothing happened to him. Instead the true nationalist, faced life sentences in the land that they sacrficed for most of their life. They fought so that they can own a prison that isays could cage them in?
2000-2010 Egyptian Spy oiling the war machinery, Erirean dream wipted out, worst nightmare realized.
When Isays failed to accomplish the task of cutting Ethiopia into pieces during the Bademe war, Egyptian intelligent services retreated to plan B, which is to make Eritrea a threat to Ethiopia. To accomplish this dream Egyptian military leaders decided to turn Eritrea into a military boot camp, by closing all the traditional and formal educational institutions in Eritrea. This has never been done in the Eritrea history. Egypt basically made sure that Eritrean children remain its servants, and soldiers until the dream to cut Ethiopia into pieces is realized. This leads to the next topic,
A new war in Eritrea, Isays the Egyptian spy, verses Eritrean youth.
headline news: (Eritrean soccer team abondons the nation, Eritreans fleeing through Libya , Sudan, Ethiopia, Uk, USA, the list goes on)
For those of us who have been observing the Eritrean revolution, one can say that tens of thousands of Eritrean youth proudly served EPLF thinking that they were fighting for nationhood. Post Bademe war brought a new era. The Eritrean youth finally realized that there is no Eritrean leader, there is only Egyptian servant. For that reason Eritrean youth numbering in thousands began to flee Egyptian oppression. Finally Eritrean youth began to realize that Egypt has systematically colonized their country. But instead of trying to free Eritrea from Egyptian colony the Eritrean youth tired of war are fleeing to neighboring countries.
Finally, the creation of Egyptian army in Eritrea?
As we speak Eritrea no longer has an army to protect her. The current Isays army is an Egyptian army. The world is ignoring the modern slavery that is taking place in Eritrea. while the Europeans colonized Africans in day light, the Egyptians are colonizing Eritrea in the dark. Egyptian intelligent service annulled Eritrean Independence, and they are now playing with the lives of both Eritrean and Ethiopian lives. While Egyptian children enjoy modern education, Eritrean children are herded to Sawa to fight Egyptian war.
Reccomandation, for both Eritreans and Ethiopians.
As long as Egypt continue colonizing the Eritrean people through Isyas, there will be no peace in the horn. Ethiopia needs to help Eritreans regain their short lived Independence. The Ethiopian policy makers, and the public need to understand the root of Eritrean hatred toward Ethiopia. We need to understand the hate that EPLF spew against Ethiopians was created by the colonizers. Therefore, we have to help the Eritrean people get rid of the colonizers. A war has already erupted between the colonizers, and the natives of Eritrea. Instead of fighting for the colonizer Eritreans are saving their lives and fleeing all over the world. Now the biggest question for Eritreans all over the world is how long can Eritreans continue to flee? And how long could the colonizer subjugate the Eritrean people to internal military service? Is the answer until Ethiopia is cut to pieces? Of course this is the goal of the colonizer, but is this realistic? Could Egypt accomplish its goal by using the the native fighters?
Eritrean on the other hand need to be realistic about the tragedy that is taking place in Eritrea. On the map Eritrea is independent, but physically Eritrea at this point is been colonized by Egypt. The struggle of forty or fifty years has ended in Egypt colonizing Eritrea. Before it is too late, Eritreans need to wake up and reclaim their nation. If Eritreans want to reclaim their nation, they must work hard like they did before.
In the final analysis all this clever design by Egypt is to preserve and ensure a successful future for its golden race, by destroying two brotherly neighbors. The question is will we both Ethiopians and Eritreans allow Egypt to execute her plan? The answer is found within every Eritrean and Ethiopian person
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
There is no Eritrean army, it is an Egyptian army??
Posted by prayethiopia1 at 7:55 PM
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