Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ethiopia Ruined By Damn Selfish Leaders

By Yohannes Y
May be you can call me naïve but I don’t understand myself, why we Ethiopian cannot resolve our own problem? We have such a great culture but one American young woman helped me to ponder why we cannot work together to solve our own problems?
About a year ago in my church, young American woman approached me asking me question about Ethiopia, I asked her why she wants to know? She is planning to travel to Ethiopia soon.

Amazingly she collected a lot of information about Ethiopia and she is fascinating about our culture and history and also she understood the problem of Ethiopia, she said that based on her study there are a lot of problem in Ethiopia and you have a large Ethiopian community in the USA, why Ethiopians cannot solve their problem?

The first questions I ask myself were what is the cause of Ethiopian problems? As far as I am concerned, it is not a rocket science to analyze or you do not need to be a political scientist to understand the cause of Ethiopian problem. Politicians are good to point finger on each other. But here is the fact.

Ethiopian problem 1
The root cause of the Ethiopian problem is Selfishness, the only thing that change Ethiopian heaven into hell was Selfishness, The Ethiopian politician way of thinking had been my way or high way, you heard such and such political parties become one and then after a few month that unification gone. You can figure it out yourself the main reason, no doubt in my mind, because of Selfishness, everybody wants their way. They never learn to find a common ground, I checked all the previous Ethiopian leadership history, I found out one common characteristic, they are all damn selfish.
Maybe you heard all the good things about Haile Selassie, what was Haile Selassie problem, he wanted to be kings of king but he was such a selfish man after his old age, he did not want to leave his office or he did not want to give his power to the next generation, and instead he stole the Ethiopians people’s wealth and he die with it. Swiss bank made profit out of his investment.

Haile Sellassie trained and educated a lot of well to do professionals but most of them bowed for him as king of kings, whatever he said it was like God’s word. And they acted like their leader and exploited the poor and the helpless people of Ethiopia.
Mengisu was the same thing, he was a lower rank soldier but God put him in power, he supposed to be humbled by God’s grace but he never appreciated the mercy of God instead he killed Ethiopian Brain, hope and the Ethiopian power house(the unselfish young generation) killed by this ruthless dictator why because he was Selfish.
He wants to be the next Lenin of Ethiopia, but that never work. But He loves himself more than anything else, when the Woaynes approached Addis Ababa in 1991, he ran away like a rabid dog, after he exposed the Ethiopian people for great danger. He arranged his own safety; he did not care about the Ethiopian people at all.

Meles is a mixture of Megistu and Haile Selessie, the main difference between with those two other leaders, he is more disciplined and opportunist than any other leaders in Ethiopian history, Meles is an expert wagging his tale and he inclined to listen foreign leaders more than the peoples he rules, and he is such a cruel dictator, on purpose and knowingly ignoring the fabric of Ethiopian culture and Ethiopianism. he will sell you or anything you have for the higher bidder, he improves a little bit now but the first three years of his arrival his arrogance was boundaryless.

If he knows that you are after him, he will do anything to eliminate you; even he did not back for his own comrade in arms. Because he wants to rule the country with unlimited terms, he divided the country by tribe in order to control the country. He is very dishonest person and you cannot win honestly in Ethiopian Election as long as he is the leader

But when you checked it out closely he is the same old leader and he knows only the language of FORCE, he is on power only by FORCE. He is just like his previous leaders and he knows how to eliminate his opponent tactfully. Because he is damn selfish.